Welcome to the website of Joe Collins and the Harper Adams Conservation Agriculture Systems Experiment.
More information on the Harper Adams and BASE-UK Conservation Agriculture Systems Experiment can be found on the Conservation Ag Systems tab. The primary aim of the experiment is to aid farmers in the UK who are considering the transition to conservation agricultue, providing data on farm economics, agronomy, soil science, carbon footprinting, and greenhouse gas emissions.
What is the website for?
I am testing out quarto, so the website is rather sparsly populated currently. Once I have experimented with quarto and have gotten to grips with it, I hope to add the latest information on the experiment going forward here.
Website build info
This is a Quarto website, which I am running using the Quarto VS Code extension.
My code can be found here:
Or alternatively, check out my other GitHub projects
To learn more about Quarto websites visit https://quarto.org/docs/websites.